Bioinformatics for Next Generation Sequencing (BiNGS) Shared Resource
The Bioinformatics for Next Generation Sequencing (BiNGS) Shared Resource is a core within the Tisch Cancer Institute (TCI), an NCI-designated cancer center. The development of this shared resource is also partially funded by the NCI P30 Cancer Center and the NIH/NIAMS P30 Skin Biology Disease Resource-based Center support grants. BiNGS is also supported by the Black Family Stem Cell Institute. Our mission is to provide high-end data analysis service at reduced cost to support affiliated faculty members in the planning, analysis, integration and interpretation of NGS data tailored to cancer research. We advise on NGS experimental design and protocols; provide a broad range of bioinformatic analyses (standard and customized) for multiple applications spanning epigenomics, and transcriptomics; and provide extensive training platforms. We are focused on delivering comprehensive and user-friendly services.